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ristoranti fontanellato

Altitude: mt 45 | Distance from the provincial capital: Km 19 | Zip Code: 43012 | Phone code: 0521 | Surface area: Km2 53,90

Important center of the flat area of Parma, the so called “Bassa”, crossed by the “Del Sole” Highway. Characterised by a  flourishing agriculture focused on the crops of tomato and beet sugar. Here is the famous fortress which dates back to the Visconti of Milan; it belonged for five centuries to the Sanvitale family. Inside the fortress there’s a room with frescoes by Parmigianino.  In Fontanellato there’s also a popular Sanctuary, dating from the late seventeenth century. To be reported the national clinical center "Cardinal Ferrari", specilized in care to severe trauma patients. Stores with typical food specialties: culatello and Parmesan cheese.

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