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ristoranti pellegrino

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banner dove andiamo pellegrino parmense

ristoranti pellegrino

Altitude: mt 410 | Distance from the provincial capital: km 46 | Zip Code: 43037 | Phone code: 0524 | Surface area: Km2 82,35

Town located in the hills on the border with Piacenza. It is part of the Association “City of Bread” whose members are 30 Italian cities: the aim of this association is to produce home-made bread with superior quality wheat, harvested and ground in the area of the Stirone river valley. There’s a project to open the “Bread Museum”. Among the typical products, the Parmigiano Reggiano cheese named as mountain quality parmesan, a recognized qualification for the over 24 months forms, made with the milk from the mountain stables and produced exclusively by dairies of this area. To be reported a great honey production of local beekeepers. There is a well-preserved castle, privately owned, which stands on the edge of a wood, in the surrounding of Pellegrino.

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