Altitude: mt 820 | Distance from the provincial capital: Km 66 | Zip Code: 43010 | Phone code: 0525 | Surface area: Km2 69,14
A mountain town that lies between the high valleys of the Parma and Enza, on the border with the province of Carrara and Reggio Emilia. Its territory is rich in woods, meadows, lakes and streams. It is located inside the Regional Park of the Hundred Lakes, a protected area which occupies 12,600 hectares. Among the several peaks of the Apennines which are on the border with Tuscany, to be reported the Monte Sillara (1,860 m). Among the many steps, which are still used for connection to the south, these are the most important: Lagastrello, Ticchiano and Colla, once crossed by the salt road that led from the sea to the Po Valley. Besides the trout “fario” there are numerous animal species: hares, deer, wild boars, foxes, wolves, martens, birds of prey (including the golden eagle). In Casarola there is the family house of Bertolucci: the poet Attilio used to spend the summer, getting here from to Rome.
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