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The “torta fritta”, a sort of fried bread typical of Parma is served as an appetizer together with charcuteries or as a main dish to be enjoyed with friends.

Ingredients for 6 people
raffaella tracchiMrs. “Raffa”

- 1,200 kg flour
- 4 medium potatoes
- 1 cube of yeast
- 1 coffee cup filled with extra virgin olive oil
- 40 gr of salt
- Oil or lard for frying

torta fritta

Cut the potatoes in dices and cook them in slightly salted water.
Drain the potatoes and pass them into the potato masher. Keep the cooking water and let it cool; we will use it later to knead.
In a cup of warm water dissolve the yeast.
Add to the mashed potatoes the flour, the oil, the cup of yeast and water, add some salt and the right quantity of water (the one used to cooked potatoes) to obtain a firm and homogeneous dough.
Put some flour on the work plan, before putting the dough and cover it with a towel and a blanket for at least a couple of hours.
After this time roll out the dough with a roll pin in spite to thin it. Then cut strips which have to be passed through the dough-sheet machine.
Cut the dough-sheets in rectangular and put them immediately in the boiling oil.
Serve them hot.


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